Safe & secure cup for baby feeding | Silicone baby feeding product | Zero Plastic


Cubkins as an idea grew after my wife and I had our first daughter. Having lived and worked in multiple countries across the globe from Singapore to London to the US, we realized that the variety and quality of baby products available in India were still not at par with those available across the globe.

Like any Indian parent what we cared about most were two things:

V A L U E - The best quality products at the best price.
T R U S T - Is the product actually what it claims to be and is the company transparent & honest.

These became the core values, our driving force, at Cubkins. And around this core we built 6 pillars which came out of answering one very simple question โ€œWould we buy these products and let our daughter use themโ€?

The criteria we would use to answer the question would be:

S A F E T Y - Is it safe for her to use?
E A S E O F U S E - Is it easy for her & us to use?
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y - Does it leave a better natural world behind for her?
D E V E L O P M E N T A L L Y F O R W A R D - Does it help her grow as a human being?
M A I N T E N A N C E - Is it easy for us to clean?
D U R A B L E - Will it last?

As we design our products, these 8 principles/questions drive every decision we make to ensure that we can provide a product that Indian parents can trust for their children as we would for our daughter.